Congress Votes to Remove Bust of Chief Justice

Congress voted on Wednesday to pass a bill to remove a bust on Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, a deceased Supreme Court justice. Justice Taney authorized the result of the 1857 Dred Scott decision that determined Black people could not become citizens of the United States. The marble bust of Taney is currently located in the Old Supreme Court Chamber in Washington D.C. where the high court met from 1810 through 1860.

Taney was the United States’ fifth chief justice, and he served from 1836 through 1864. Maryland has already removed all statues of Taney from the state. The legislation on this bill requires the removal of the bust within 45 days of the bill becoming a law. It is now being passed to President Biden for his signature.

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  • dreamstime_s_50722606: Photo 50722606 © Lunamarina |