California Heat Wave Continues to Threaten Power Grid

California is currently on the verge of a statewide blackout, results of the ongoing heat wave practically melting the state. California Independent System Operator (Casio), provides energy to about 80% of the state. The company has just sent out a statewide plea to residents to find new ways to conserve energy to prevent power grids from shutting down.

A Flex Alert has been sent out for 6 days straight urging residents to set their thermostats to 78 degrees from 4pm-10pm every day, and to avoid turning on major appliances. With record breaking heat coming through California in the coming days, it is even more important that residents take further action to prevent a blackout. Sacramento could potentially reach 114 degrees on Tuesday, and San Jose matching its previous daily temperature of 104 degrees.

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  • dreamstime_s_159204425: Photo 159204425 © Deanpictures |