Strong Geomagnetic Storm Reportedly Headed Towards Earth

If you live in the northeastern part of the United States you may be lucky enough to witness the northern lights this weekend. A strong geomagnetic storm has sent wavelengths down to Earth that are making the auroras visible much farther south than they normally appear. The lights should be able to be seen in Oregon, Iowa, Pennsylvania, and New York, along with our neighboring country Canada.

93 million miles away, the sun projected out two coronal mass ejections, which is a large burst of magnetized plasma from the sun’s corona. These ejections are predicted to arrive at Earth on August 18. The auroras we will see are the result of the two ejections fusing on their path to Earth, bringing them further south than just the poles.

image sources

  • dreamstime_s_174853939: Photo 174853939 © Kriscole |