Pfizer Announces Vaccine is 90% Effective Based on Trials

Based upon its initial trial conclusions, American pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, announced it has achieved 90% effective results in the race to develop a safe and efficient vaccine against the ravages of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic.

Experts are applauding the first interim test result tabulations from a large-scale clinical trial which indicated their vaccine could stop the spread of COVID-19 if distribution is approved. Though regulatory endorsement will be needed to begin manufacturing and distribution, it’s unlikely to happen before the end of this year.

The company, who is partnering with German drug-maker BioNTech, stated they have not found any serious or adverse reactions which would warrant safety concerns. US emergency use authorization is currently being sought, offering the possibility of a definitive answer by the end of December.

If approved, the combined effort of the two companies estimates initial production at as many as 50 million doses, which would cover protecting 25 million people. They further project rolling out as many as 1.5 billion doses in the new year.