Trump, Biden Make Last Rally Push Ahead of Election Day

As President Trump and Joe Biden make last rounds of campaign stops in key battleground states, reports indicate a record-breaking 93 million Americans have cast their vote early, both by mail-in ballot and waiting in long lines at early polling locations. As of Sunday, the 2020 election is on track for an historic voter turnout according to Professor Michael McDonald, who runs the US Elections Project from the University of Florida, tracking voter turnout numbers. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who currently leads by ten percentage points across national polls, plans to focus on the key states of Pennsylvania and Ohio on Monday, while Trump has rallies scheduled across other battleground states.

Trump is casting a long shadow of doubt over the election process, riling up supporters by saying he may show up with thousands of lawyers before the results are officially in, and called for “an army of poll watchers” in highly contested states such as Florida and Texas. The FBI is investigating a Friday incident when a Biden campaign bus was harassed by a caravan of Trump supporters along a highway between San Antonio and Austin Texas, who attempted to run the Biden staff bus off the roadway. Trump also said he plans to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci after the election in his continued defiance of the country’s leading infectious disease expert, who is part his own White House Coronavirus Task Force.

On Sunday, Texas Republicans were denied their petition to invalidate almost 127,000 drive-thru ballots cast in Harris County, which includes the Democratic leaning populous city of Houston with over 7 million residents. This is the second attempt to block ballots in the state of Texas in recent weeks, adding to the list of other attempts by Republicans to stop the sea change of voter turnout in 2020. As of Sunday, early voter ballots were equal to 68% of the total votes cast in the 2016 election.