Mets Postpone Games after Two Test Positive for COVID-19
The New York Mets postponed yesterday’s game against the Miami Marlins and today’s game against the New York Yankees after one team official and one player tested positive for COVID-19. They have yet to push back this weekend’s games against the Yankees but based on other teams that have faced outbreaks, it is unlikely the Mets will be able to play again next week. After only a month of baseball, four teams have already faced outbreaks. The Miami Marlins were the first to see the virus spread across their clubhouse less than a week after opening day. Then the St. Louis Cardinals saw several positive tests. Most recently, it was the Cincinnati Reds who faced a COVID-19 scare. Each outbreak has caused a serious interruption in the MLB schedule.

Blake is a writer focused on non-profits and trade industries. He has told the stories of countless peacebuilders while covering international development with the nonprofit Search for Common Ground. He is a graduate of the George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs.