Trump Cancels Republican Convention in Jacksonville
In a complete reversal of his original plans, President Trump has canceled the Republican Convention in Jacksonville, Florida, which was set to take place in August to accept the re-election nomination by the party. Trump issued a statement saying the timing is not right with the coronavirus flaring up in the state and Jacksonville, in particular, currently a hot-spot. Trump still plans on making a convention speech, but not in a crowded venue. The announcement comes as a grim reminder of Trumps recent drop in the polls showing a lack of confidence in his handling of the pandemic. Several recent polls indicate voters have more trust in Joe Biden to lead the nation and better handle the widespread pandemic. Trump stated he’s exploring North Carolina venues, although the governor of the state said he can’t make any promises. Despite Trump’s recent claim of large support for the Jacksonville convention, a recent Quinnipiac poll revealed 62% responded it would not be safe.
Doug Garfinkel has been a writer for over 30 years, working on a wide variety of websites and publications. He currently works as a High School teacher in Great Neck, NY, while continuing to write.