Brazil’s President Gets Coronavirus After Downplaying Pandemic
Despite the fact that he has consistently denied the dangers of the coronavirus, calling it “a little flu,” and has widely criticized the use of masks and social distancing, Brazil’s far-right President Bolsanaro tested COVID-19 positive on Monday. Brazil has been one of the hardest hit countries in the world since the onset of the pandemic and yesterday reported 43,000 new cases and 1,254 deaths in a single 24-hour period. Bolsanaro had attended a cabinet meeting last week where no one wore a mask, even though it was ordered by a federal judge, who issued the public mandate last month. Over the weekend, the president began running a fever of 100 degrees and experiencing extreme fatigue. By Monday, 65-year-old Bolsanaro, could no longer deny it – although he stated on Tuesday, he’s feeling “perfectly well” now.

Doug Garfinkel has been a writer for over 30 years, working on a wide variety of websites and publications. He currently works as a High School teacher in Great Neck, NY, while continuing to write.